About OSHO

I am not going to give you a destination.
I can only give you a direction –
awake, throbbing with life,
unknown, always surprising, unpredictable.
I’m not going to give you a map.
I can give you only a great passion to discover.


Osho defies categorization. His thousands of talks cover everything from the individual quest for meaning to the most urgent social and political issues facing society today. Osho’s books are not written but are transcribed from audio and video recordings of his extemporaneous talks to international audiences. As he puts it, “So remember whatever I am saying is not just for you… I am talking also for the future generations.”

Osho has been described by the Sunday Times in London as one of the “1000 Makers of the 20th Century” and by American author Tom Robbins as “the most dangerous man since Jesus Christ.” Sunday Mid-Day (India) has selected Osho as one of ten people – along with Gandhi, Nehru and Buddha – who have changed the destiny of India.

About his own work Osho has said that he is helping to create the conditions for the birth of a new kind of human being. He often characterizes this new human being as “Zorba the Buddha” – capable both of enjoying the earthy pleasures of a Zorba the Greek and the silent serenity of a Gautama the Buddha. Running like a thread through all aspects of Osho’s talks and meditations is a vision that encompasses both the timeless wisdom of all ages past and the highest potential of today’s (and tomorrow’s) science and technology.

Osho is known for his revolutionary contribution to the science of inner transformation, what he calls “the psychology of the Buddhas.” His approach to meditation addresses the accelerated pace of contemporary life. His unique OSHO Active Meditations are designed to first release the accumulated stresses of body and mind that make meditation so difficult for modern busy people. He then uses his speaking as a way of letting go of our self-limiting belief systems, at the same time offering the opportunity to experience silence through the art of listening. Combined with the vast number of shorter techniques, Osho provides a way for every type of mind to be transcended, allowing us to enjoy the stillness and thought-free relaxation into our daily lives.

Why Active Meditations?

“Modern man is a very new phenomenon, and no traditional method can be used exactly as it exists, because modern man has never existed before. Modern man is a new phenomenon. So, in a way, all traditional methods have become irrelevant. Their spirit is not irrelevant, but their form has become irrelevant because this man is new.

“So, I use chaotic methods because through chaotic methods the brain is nullified. It has nothing to do. There is no system to be made and no mathematical formula to be applied. It is so chaotic that the centre from the brain is automatically pushed to the heart, and that is a great step – to push the centre from the brain to the heart. So, if you do my method vigorously, unsystematically, chaotically, your centre is pushed lower. You come to the heart.

“When you come to the heart then I apply catharsis because your heart is so suppressed – because of your brain: the brain has taken up so much territory within you, so much domination of you, it has absorbed the whole. There is no space for the heart, so longings of the heart have been suppressed. You have never laughed heartily, never cried heartily, never done anything heartily. The brain always comes in to systematize, to make things mathematical. That brain calculates and concludes and comes in. The heart is suppressed….

“So first chaotic methods are used to push the centre – the centre of consciousness – from the brain toward the heart. Then catharsis is needed to unburden the heart, to throw off the suppressions, to make it light. If the heart becomes light and unburdened, then the centre of consciousness is pushed still lower. It comes to the navel, and the navel is the source of vitality. It is the source, it is the seed source from which everything comes: the body, the mind, all else.

“The ultimate, the original, the inner, cannot be known from brain work, because you are in contact with the ultimate from your roots, from where you have come. Your whole problem is having moved away from the navel. You have come from the navel, and you will die through it; you have come from that gate and you will pass through that gate. One has to come to that gate, and when you come to the roots there is no difficulty to change. The change is simple, but coming to the roots is difficult and arduous.

“As I see the situation, modern man has changed so much. He needs the new: new methods, new techniques.

“So, to me, meditation is not only a salvation for the individual – a transformation for the individual – but of a greater significance. It can be a groundwork for transformation of the whole society, the whole human being as such. Either man will have to commit suicide, or he will have to transform himself.”



Every Thursday until the Autumn Equinox 2025 in Aboyne

Celebrate our first OSHO Kundalini Meditation for the 2025 season on the Thursday 20th March with us, when we’ll welcome the Spring and our meditators, new and old, with a flowing cacao ceremony.

The doors will open at 4.30 for 5 Cacao Circle 5-6 Kundalini Meditation will be as usual 6.30 – 7.30


A series of OSHO meditations in-person as follows:

Friday 21st OSHO Evening Meeting 8pm

Saturday 22nd OSHO Dynamic 7am

Tuesday 25th Chakra Breathing 12noon

Thursday 27th OSHO Kundalini Meditation 6.30pm

Friday 28th OSHO Evening Meeting 8pm

Saturday 29th OSHO Dynamic 7am

Tuesday 1st April Chakra Breathing 12noon

Thursdays Kundalini Meditation will continue throughout the season and depending on demand I’d be keen to offer more so do let me know your thoughts.

OSHO Reminding Yourself of the
Forgotten Language of Talking to your BodyMind


Taster: 15-Apr at 7:30 PM CET (6.30 UK time) Course: 22-28 Apr at 7:30 PM CET (6.30 UK time)

This course will happen on OSHO International Online, and you will need to pay there I will issue a the link when it becomes available.

The Energy Exchange for the active meditations is £12 for a Meditation Only Visitors Pass, £15 for a Meditation Plus Visitors Pass, where I offer a longer session whether sharing cacao, a cuppa, an open flow circle or breakfast and there are block booking prices for Kundalini.

Meditation Only Visitors Pass £12

Meditation Plus Visitors Pass £15

Kundalini Active Meditation Members for the 2025 £150

OSHO Meditation Members Pay
As You Go Price
  £10. For those who wish to add to their existing block booking.

If you’d feel more comfortable have a chat first, then I’m here for you on WhatsApp. Why not reach out to me right now?

OSHO is a registered trademark of OSHO International Foundation, used with permission, www.osho.com/trademarks

Some material used here (images and text excerpts) is Copyright © OSHO International Foundation, www.osho.com/copyright

Terms & Conditions

Please note: by attending these sessions, you have agreed to the following statement: ‘I give permission for the [Vicki Rebecca Ltd] to use my photograph and other media such as video and quotations, on my promotional material and publications, for which it may be suitable. However, remember the purpose of you being there is to enjoy the workshop and not to worry about how you look in the photographs. I will be very discreet when taking the photos and my PR and I will absolutely remove/edit out any unflattering photos!

OSHO block session fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. To secure a space on the programme, payment must be made in full by 20 February 2025.

Meditation Only and Meditation Plus Visitor pass fees are non-refundable, but given enough notice, they can be rescheduled/replaced under certain circumstances at my discretion.